Chemex is a vessel similar to an object from a chemical laboratory, a glass flask with a wooden "collar." The shape is similar to an hourglass. The coffee is prepared by inserting cellulose filters into an upper part and pouring hot water at 93-95 degrees into the medium-coarse ground coffee.

Here you find Chemex recipe and get a drink with a particularly delicate taste, deep aroma, and moderate strength. This coffee has been trendy in recent years. Pour-over brewing is the basis of Chemex and V60. Despite fundamental differences, Chemex already has a carafe in which coffee is poured and then aerated (oxygen saturation), while V60 can be poured into any container.

The second point is the thickness of the filter. Chemex filters are dense, which means they must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water to eliminate the taste of the paper. Nonetheless, the cup is very light and silky. Enjoy your Chemex recipe.



Chemex carafe


Preferably with measuring step 0.1 gr

Paper filter

Chemex filter


with adjustable grinding size

Bottled water

500 ml (17 fl oz) of filtered water preferably with mineralization 100-150ppm


For this recipe you will need the kettle with a gooseneck


You can use phone

Coffee beans

32 gr. Our recommendation: light to medium roast

STEP 1. Preparing

STEP 1. Preparing

Heat the water to 93-95С (200-203 F).

You can boil it and then leave it for a minute to get to the desired temperature.

Grind coffee beans to medium coarse size (sea salt).

STEP 2. Rinsing filter

STEP 2. Rinsing filter

Put the filter into the carafe and rinse it properly with hot water to get rid of the possible paper smell and heat the carafe.

Discard the excess water.

STEP 3. Adding coffee

STEP 3. Adding coffee

Put the Chemex on the scales and reset them.
Add ground coffee and reset the scales again.

STEP 4. Pouring water and blooming

STEP 4. Pouring water and blooming

Turn the timer on and start carefully pouring 95 gr of hot water, making sure that all coffee gets wet evenly.
Do not hurry!
Let the coffee bloom for 30 sec.

STEP 5. Brewing

STEP 5. Brewing

After blooming, gently start pouring water into the coffee in a clockwise circular motion, starting from the center and moving closer to the edges.

Wait until all water goes through the coffee and discard the filter.

STEP 6. Stirring

STEP 6. Stirring

Stir or shake the Chemex

STEP 7. Enjoy

STEP 7. Enjoy

Enjoy your drink! Yay!