Clever dripper method is one of the easiest and quickest ways to make coffee. Its technological design allows you to brew coffee easily without paying much attention to it.

Unlike drip, the main feature of immersion is the constant contact between hot water and ground coffee. Filtration occurs at the end of the process after the coffee has had time to brew.

The principle clever dripper method is the infusion of coffee in water for some time with subsequent filtration. To brew coffee, place the filter in the dripper, pour ground coffee, pour water, and let the ground coffee steep for 3-4 minutes, and then install the dripper on your favorite cup or carafe. There is a recipe where the hot water goes first and then the ground coffee is poured into it. In that case, the coffee dripper brewing takes less time and you get a more clean and bright cup.

For the most effective results, follow the proportions of coffee and water by weight and use a timer to control the total brewing time.


Immersion dripper

Another name Immersion funnel


Preferably with measuring step 0.1 gr


with adjustable grinding size

Paper filter

Filter for Immersion

Bottled water

300 ml (10 fl oz) of filtered water preferably with mineralization 100-150ppm


Any kettle

Coffee beans

20 gr light or medium roast


You can use phone

Step 1. Grinding

Step 1. Grinding

Grind the coffee beans to medium-coarse or medium grind size.

STEP 2. Filter preparing

STEP 2. Filter preparing

Fold the seams tight and put the filter inside the Dripper.

STEP 3. Filter wetting

STEP 3. Filter wetting

Heat the water to 93 С (200F) You can boil it and then leave it for a minute to get to the desired temperature.

Rinse the filter with hot water to heat the funnel and get rid of the possible paper taste. Discard the excess water.

STEP 4. Adding coffee

STEP 4. Adding coffee

Put the Dripper on the scales and reset them.
Pour ground coffee into the dripper and make sure that you ground the right amount of coffee.

STEP 5. Pouring water

STEP 5. Pouring water

Reset the scales and start pouring hot water. Make sure that all coffee got wet and there are no dry lumps.

Pour water for about 25 seconds then leave the coffee to steep for 3-4 minutes.

STEP 6. Draining

STEP 6. Draining

Slightly twist your dripper from side to side or use the spoon to break the coffee crust.
Put the dripper on the carafe/server/cup and wait until all coffee has drained.
Discard the filter.

STEP 7. Enjoy

STEP 7. Enjoy

Stir your coffee drink and enjoy!